How Children learn at Kay Rowe
Our nursery is a place where all children can follow their interests and lead their own learning supported by qualified and enthusiastic staff who will observe children closely, intervene when appropriate, and plan for future play possibilities.
It is set up inside and out as a workshop environment with resources at child height. Independently accessing resources allows children to become effective decision-makers, enhancing their play and learning experiences. Staff plan learning opportunities based on children’s interests and curiosities at nursery and home and introduce new experiences such as cooking and visits which will excite and engage them.
All staff use the government Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum EYFS alongside other frameworks and assessment tools to plan appropriate learning and development experiences. You can see a parent’s guide to the EYFS curriculum here What to expect, when?
We believe that children are naturally curious about the world around them. Development is not an automatic process, it depends on each child having opportunities to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments. As a staff team we reflect on what makes a confident learner and support children to develop these characteristics.
We observe children as they act and interact in their play, every day and planned activities. We also learn from parents and carers own observations about what the child does at home. We use our observations and those of parents to identify where the child is in their developmental journey.
How do we work in partnership with parents?
As a nursery school and children’s centre we are committed to working with parents. We know that sharing information with parents is very powerful and has a lasting impact on children’s outcomes. We really encourage you to engage in your child’s learning through checking in with the key person and sharing information from home. We have an online learning journal Tapestry which we can upload observations for parents to share and they can upload observations for us to see.
Inclusive Setting
We are an inclusive setting working with children at all stages of development. We always focus on children’s achievements and look at children as learners no matter what their starting points are. If you would like to know more about inclusion at Kay Rowe come and chat to Lina our SENCO.
Forest School
At some point during their time at nursery your child will be invited to go on a 5 week forest school program where they will go to the woods. At the end of each 5 weeks we organise a visit to the beach. We have a trained Forest school leader Nadia who leads the Forest school program.
Dance and Movement
The Nursery engages a dance and movement specialist to work with children who need support with one or more areas of the curriculum.